Wow, it is such a long time since last time...6 months almost. Sorry to the people who were passing by hoping in something new. I think they've lost their hope and patience by now...I really hope they will pass by one more time and they will not be upset anymore! Many things have been in the way, but I never lost my passion and I promise to try to keep going with the blog. I was keep cooking anyway and lots of unpublished recipes lay silent in my computer folder. Here I am know to start again, bringing up colours, tastes and smells through my blog to your kitchens!! Hope you can keep enjoy it!

So, as first recipe I want to post this double recipe for two DIPS.
Dips here in Australia are a must for every pic-nic, barbecue and pre-dinner. I made this CARROT and CUMIN dips for my first Ozzie anniversary (1 year I spent in this country). It was still summertime, the days were long and warm (I so wish that nice weather to be back straight now, when winter doesn't want to took off!!!) and we all enjoyed them on bread and crackers in my garden with a nice bubbly...yummy!
Well, they are pretty easy to do and so colourful and tasty. So stop talking and here the recipes.

3-4 small carrots
2 tbs extra virgin olive oil
1 brown onion
1 garlic clove
1 tsp ground cumin
60ml (1/4 cup) fresh orange juice
Salt & freshly ground black pepper
Steam carrot covered for 15-20 minutes or until tender. Heat the oil in a frying pan over medium heat. Add the onion, garlic and cumin and cook, stirring, for 5 minutes . Blend carrot, onion mixture and orange juice until smooth. Season with salt and pepper.Let it cool.
1 beetroot (250g)
1/3 cup breadcrumbs
1 garlic clove
2 tbs dill
1 tbs mustard
2 tbs cooking liquid
Cook beetroot in a saucepan of salted boiling water for 1 hour or until tender. Set aside in cooking liquid for 30 minutes to cool. Drain, keeping 2 tbs of cooking liquid. Peel and coarsely chop beetroot. Blend together beetroot, breadcrumbs, oil, garlic, dill, mustard and reserved cooking liquid until smooth. Taste and season with salt and pepper.

3-4 carote piccole
2 cucchiai di olio EVO
1 cipolla
1 spicchio di aglio
1 cucchiaio di cumino
1/4 tazza di succo di arancia
Cuocere a vapore le carote per 15-20 minute finchè tenere. Soffriggere in una padella cipolla, aglio e cumino per 5 minuti. Frullare le carote, il soffritto e il succo di arancia insieme. Aggiustare di sale e pepe e lasciare raffreddare.
1 barbabietola (250g)
1/3 tazza di pangrattato
1/4 tazza di olio EVO
1 spicchio aglio
1 cucchiaio di senape
2 cucchiai delliquido di cottura
Bollire in acqua salata la rapa per 1 ora o fino a che tenera. Lasciare raffreddare per 30 min nel liquido di cottura. Scolare e tenere da parte 2 cucchiai del liquido. Frullare la rapa con il resto degli ingredienti e aggiungere i 2 cucchiai del liquido tenuto da parte. Salare e pepare a piacere.