Hi everyone!!! Lots has happening since my last time in the blog.
Summer arrived together with really hot days, people visiting from overseas and another moving!!! Thing are settling down again finally and mostly important I’m getting used to the new kitchen (still we do not have a working oven, uff!!!).
By the way, yesterday it was a special day and so today I’m back to say a huge “HAPPY BIRTHDAY” to my mum and of course, post her birthday cake!!
Well, not really a proper cake, but I told you that my oven is not working.
So, while I was at the beach in a 36 ˚ C day, I came out with this idea: healthy, quick and refreshing tiny cut jellies.
It doesn’t ask much time or ingredients and the important thing is that my mum enjoyed it, or at least how they look like since Skype has not yet invented the way to send flavours!!!!
For 5 small mould:
1 small can coconut milk (165g)
1 teaspon agar agar (or gelatine if you are not vegetarian)
2 teaspoon of sugar
kiwi, strawberries and honey
Dissolve the agar agar in the coconut milk. Pour in a pan with sugar and bring to a boil. Pour in the mould and let set in the fridge. When they are ready you can serve on a slice of kiwi and with a strawberry on top and drizzle with honey!
per 5 stampini piccoli:
175 g latte di cocco
1 cucchiino di agar agar (o gelatine normale se non siete vegetariani)
2 cucchiani di zucchero
kiwi, fragile e miele per decorare
Sciogliere l’agar agar nel latte di cocco. Versare in una padella insieme allo zucchero e far bollire. Verasare negli stampini e lasciare rassodare in frigo. Qundo sono pronti si possono servire su una fetta di kiwi, con fragole e irrorati di miele!!!